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Fire Safety Kit

image of fire safety kit cover - has illustration of flame.



Fire Safety Tips

Smoke Alarms

illustration of smoke detectorSmoke alarms can give you early warning in the event of a fire and are considered absolutely essential, they can be purchased in most supermarkets and hardware shops. Ask for one that has a British Standard Kitemark and ensure that it is correctly fitted. Smoke alarms are also available for people that are deaf and are designed with a flashing light or a vibrating pad.

Smoke alarms are normally fitted between living areas and bedrooms (hall, lobby, or stair landing areas) and will detect any smoke that leak’s via gaps around the door.

Ideally you should fit a smoke detector in every room with the exception of the kitchen and bathroom where the effects of steam emitting from hot water or smoke from a toaster could activate them and cause false alarms, it is therefore better to cover these rooms by heat detectors.

Make sure that you can hear the alarm throughout your home especially in the bedrooms, if your smoke alarm goes off while you are asleep don’t waste time investigating to see where it is. Shout as loud as you can to wake everyone up and follow your escape plan together.


Here are some simple rules if you smoke which may save your life


Chip pan fires cause more injuries in your home than anything else

Bedtime safety routine

Electrical safety

illustration of electrical spark


Illustration of a candle.

I hope that the information that we have given in some way gives you a better understanding of how a fire is produced and how to deal with it in an emergency. In spite of this we strongly recommend that your home be fitted with suitable smoke detector alarms, which could SAVE YOUR LIFE.