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The Journal of The Fire Engineer


Issue 2

icon of issue 2 cover

The Dark Secret Part 1

Issue 1

icon of issue 1 cover

That Fateful Day

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Journal Index

Illustation of the fire engineer and firefly standing with flames in the background

The Journal of the Fire Engineer follows the adventures of the Fire Engineer and his team as they tackle the most devestating force known to mankind Fire - Named in ancient times as one of the four elemental forces of nature.

Each issue also contains origami models of elements of the Fire Engineers world.

Issue 1 - That Fateful Day

Featuring the introduction of Firefly and the world trade centre fire.

Issue 2 - The Dark Secret Part 1

The first part of the origin story of the Fire Engineer.


Desktop pictures

The following can be downloaded and displayed on your computers desktop screen.

Image of fieengineer wallpper 3 featuring the fire engineer, firefly, the characters flame, smoke and flashover.

Download wallpaper widescreen (1280 x 800)

Download wallpaper (1024 x 768)

Mobile phone wallpaper

For phones with screen size 240 x 320 (e.g. Nokia 6300)

image of firefly mobile phone wallpaper


Image of flashover mobile phone wallpaper.
